AI for Life

Prevent Cattle accidents on highways with the help of AI video Analytics technology

Our roads are not just equipped with potholes and sudden obstruction, but also animals of many sizes. With a significant increase in the number of stray animals such as cows, buffalo, and dogs wandering onto highways and within cities in India, they can often pose a serious threat to drivers on highways. According to a […]

Prevent Cattle accidents on highways with the help of AI video Analytics technology Read More »

How to setup your CCTV for Intelligent Operations?

Are you installing CCTV cameras in your business? Here’s how to set it up for Intelligent Operations #AIforLife 3 All businesses employ some form of video surveillance, and because of developments in technology , we can now process this video footage into actionable information with the help of AI video analytics software. Automation powered by AI

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How AI helps increase revenue and improve customer experience for fuel station owners

AI for Life Being in the field of Computer Vision, I am a keen observer of how things are done everywhere I go, and I see numerous situations where we waste time that might be automated using AI and existing cameras. saving a vital human hour. To share my thoughts and ideas, I am starting

How AI helps increase revenue and improve customer experience for fuel station owners Read More »

How Multi-site Retail Stores Can Leverage Video Intelligence Solutions for Higher Business Growth?

Multi-site retail stores have managed to create a substantial customer base and for decades, the most important metric in retail has been sales. However, it can be hard to manage certain aspects of retail business if you only know how much was sold not connect with the why or why not of the sales. Modern

How Multi-site Retail Stores Can Leverage Video Intelligence Solutions for Higher Business Growth? Read More »

How AI helps National Highways with Intelligent Traffic Monitoring?

Highways are changing with hi-tech Cameras and ICT systems. While Cameras can be “eyes”, regulators are demanding “Intelligent traffic monitoring” for regulating traffic and automated decision making to accommodate the high growth of traffic flows, compliances, and better governance. Challenges faced while monitoring highways Traffic flows have grown exponentially over the past decade. Over 10

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Video Intelligence is critical for Intelligent Video Surveillance

Video surveillance has been a part of public discussion for a considerable time now. While there are people on both sides of the argument with plausible takes on how it can help or damage the system, the actual narrative has shifted to intelligent video surveillance. Take, for instance, in India Tamil Nadu, in a recent event

Video Intelligence is critical for Intelligent Video Surveillance Read More »

5 Key use cases of AI & Computer Vision for Hospitals

Hospitals have well-set policies and procedures such as NABH, the standard provides a framework for quality assurance for hospitals. focusing on patient safety and quality of care. The standards call for continuous monitoring of events and a comprehensive corrective action plan leading to the building of quality culture at all levels and across all the

5 Key use cases of AI & Computer Vision for Hospitals Read More »

How Automation of SOP Checklist Drives Effective Compliance

SOP Inspections are crucial for the operations of every organization. Conducting regular inspections helps ensure reliable performance, worker safety, efficiency, quality, and deter threats. With the pandemic still looming on enterprise operations, physical inspections have become trickier than ever. Organizations across industries have hence switched to remote inspections. Remote inspection rests on three key elements: Video data

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