
Video Intelligence is critical for Intelligent Video Surveillance

Video surveillance has been a part of public discussion for a considerable time now. While there are people on both sides of the argument with plausible takes on how it can help or damage the system, the actual narrative has shifted to intelligent video surveillance. Take, for instance, in India Tamil Nadu, in a recent event […]

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5 Key use cases of AI & Computer Vision for Hospitals

Hospitals have well-set policies and procedures such as NABH, the standard provides a framework for quality assurance for hospitals. focusing on patient safety and quality of care. The standards call for continuous monitoring of events and a comprehensive corrective action plan leading to the building of quality culture at all levels and across all the

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How Automation of SOP Checklist Drives Effective Compliance

SOP Inspections are crucial for the operations of every organization. Conducting regular inspections helps ensure reliable performance, worker safety, efficiency, quality, and deter threats. With the pandemic still looming on enterprise operations, physical inspections have become trickier than ever. Organizations across industries have hence switched to remote inspections. Remote inspection rests on three key elements: Video data

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